We can check your heart to make sure it's healthy 

Our heart screening service offers a range of diagnostic tests that help us check for underlying heart problems at the earliest stages, even before symptoms appear.

Whether it's a heart rhythm problem or risk factors for heart disease like high blood cholesterol, our team of cardiology experts will provide the answers you need to ensure your heart stays as healthy as possible. 

What's more, Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals are some of the world's leading in heart care - so you'll be in safe hands with us. 

Our heart screening service is offered at both our hospitals, but also our dedicated outpatients and diagnostics facility at 77 Wimpole Street which is conveniently located in central London. 

What is a heart screen?

Don’t ignore your heart health

Around seven million people in the UK live with heart and circulatory diseases. This includes coronary heart disease, atrial fibrillation (a heart rhythm disorder), heart failure, and stroke. Unfortunately, heart and circulatory diseases cause more than a quarter (26 per cent) of all deaths in the UK.

Our specialist screening techniques allow our experts to diagnose and monitor heart issues – even at an early stage before symptoms develop. We will recommend treatment and any further tests that may be needed.

Heart screening packages and costs

Our heart screening clinic offers the following packages to choose from.


Package 1: Assessment with an experienced cardiac nurse – £220

If you have no prior heart problems and would like an initial assessment, we will recommend this package.

You will have a personalised assessment with a cardiac nurse, including blood analyses and an electrocardiogram (ECG) which measures the electrical activity of your heart. We’ll give you a summary report, which is reviewed by a consultant, along with expert advice on managing risks or heart problems that have been identified.

This package is available at Royal Brompton Hospital and 77 Wimpole Street.


Package 2: One-to-One consultation with a specialist cardiologist – £444

If you have experienced heart palpitations, chest pain and/or have previously suffered from heart problems, we recommend this package – our most popular package.

In addition to package 1, you will receive a one-to-one consultation with one of our world-leading heart consultants. They will discuss the results of the initial tests and will recommend further tests, if needed.

This package is available at Royal Brompton Hospital, Harefield Hospital and 77 Wimpole Street.


Pheidippides Intensive Heart Screen Package – £4,265

Specifically designed for endurance athletes, this intensive heart screening package includes our full range of cardiac screening tests. This screening package is named after Pheidippides – the Greek messenger who ran 26 miles from Marathon to Athens, who later inspired the modern marathon. The Pheidippides intensive heart screening is only available to those who have been referred for this level of testing.

This package is available at 77 Wimpole Street.

Find out more about Pheidippides intensive heart screening.

Further diagnostic tests

Based on the outcome of the heart screening, our consultant may recommend that patients receive further tests. If required, these may include:

Stress echocardiogram

This test assesses how well the heart works under stress. The patient triggers 'stress' on the heart by exercising on an easy-to-use treadmill or supine bike (laid back). Complete beginners can complete the test with the help of our friendly staff. If patients are unable to exercise, then we may offer a dobutamine stress echocardiogram (DSE).

Transthoracic echocardiogram

A transthoracic echocardiogram test is recommended for some patients with heart palpitations and chest pain, particularly when these symptoms are accompanied by breathlessness.

Cardiovascular magnetic resonance scan

If individuals require a very detailed scan, a cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) scan is the best possible option. This test uses magnets, radio waves and a computer to create detailed and accurate pictures of the heart and major blood vessels.

Choose a cardiologist

The following consultants run our heart screening clinics. If you would like to request a particular cardiologist, you can find out more about them via the below links.

Cardiologists at Harefield Hospital:

Cardiologists at Royal Brompton Hospital:

Cardiologists at 77 Wimpole Street:

Book an appointment

When you contact us to make an appointment for the heart screening clinic, you will be booked onto package 1 or 2 on a provisional basis.

To ensure your appointment is tailored to your needs, you will need to complete a cardiac care questionnaire. This will be shared with a specialist nurse prior to your appointment.

Please click here to download the cardiac care questionnaire (Word), complete it and then email it to: privatepatients@rbht.nhs.uk